Saturday, March 2, 2019

Teenage Queens

Part of being these coming of age movies is having the mean girl. The one who only cares about her self and her high status. Always having an attitude and putting others down in the high school social status.

 She is usually combined with a cheerleader, punk, secret nerd or party animal. 

They are known for their stylish clothing and perfect hair and makeup. She can also be known for her AND her posy of one or two more friends. 

She has great comebacks with every argument to keep her status. She won't let anyone walk all over her. 

We want to have our main female character have a dominant personality. If the girlfriend is prevailing her actions can be excused for her personalty and no filter. The boyfriend is expected to "take it like a man" and not get mad over her little remarks. The girlfriend will be less physical but more verbal abuse and pressure. She will strike only when she or her social hierarchy is threatened. People are afraid to stand up to her because of how she may "ruin your life." She tends to come up with evil schemes to destroy anyone who tries to get in her way. In most situations she is extremely dramatic and wants to be the center of attention. 
I feel that Julia and I can go two routes with this character. One can be a darker, rude and have dark humor. The bedroom and her clothing will be stylish but also black. While the other one is more stuck up, peppy and possibly a cheerleader. Her bedroom can be brighter while her clothes are based on brands and are chic. 
The main actress could have the following characteristics: 
-Hot boyfriend
-Be looked up by others
-Pick on nerds 
-A flirt but chooses carefully
-Loves revenge and ruining enemies
-Sharpay Evans- High School musical
-Amber Maines- Clueless
-Jennifer Check- Jennifer's Body
-Regina George- Mean Girls
-Marianne Bryant- Easy A
-Heather Chandler- Heathers 
The Mean Girl. (2015, February 27). Retrieved from

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