Friday, March 29, 2019

Started Filming at Home

Julia and I went to her house recently to start filming the scenes at her house.We started with the recording for the voice over. First we did a video then we did an audio recording. It took a while for me to narrate slowly and coherently. I had to work on pronouncing each word slowly and leaving pauses between each topic. We wanted to show that I was recording so we made the beginning of the recording of me setting up the camera and fixing my hair. We made a setup for the first scene with the computer.

 We kept the outfit more simple After that we did the scene of me waking up and implying that I have been up all night because my eyes are open before my alarm goes off. We took several angles and shots of this scene to have a a lot of options. That clip is shown up above! Then we recorded the scene where I am walking outside to get the drawing of my "mom." Julia and I thought of making the drawing of what Amber thinks her mom was like. Lastly, we filmed the scene where I hand the dad the money. Overall we had trouble with having me animate the proper emotions. We got thorough it by hearing the narrations in other movies "The Edge of Seventeen" and "The Notebook". I saw how slow the narrators spoke and how they had longer pauses in between their statements. I also saw if the voice over was the main character they used a lot of details. We wanted to over shoot because Julia was going to be away for most of spring break.

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