Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Welcome....Amber Chase

Drum roll please....

We have our star....

Amber Chase is our eighteen year old senior in High school. This past weekend Julia and I started developing Amber's character. We chose the name because we wanted a name that was not too common but rebellious.

Defining looks: female and depending on who plays Amber her physical looks will vary. We want to carry the contrasting costume designs and her personas.

Defining traits: lies frequently, reserved, acts natural (“normal”), awkwardly hides truth, friendly.

Defining hobbies: makes YouTube videos, takes things (money) from people and pretends it’s her work income. We thought she should have something shocking about her such as stealing. As a form of self expression she likes to draw/do artistic things (possibly write, take photos etc.). But wanted to add some interests of hers.

What does Amber want: to make it in the world; to make her family proud of her; to succeed in times of struggle; to survive.


Wardrobe: I focused on her wardrobe and getting some inspiration pictures. On camera she makes a huge effort to look like a stereotypical Instagram model. She wears crops tops and high waited jeans. She perfects her hair and makeup before she goes on screen.

Image result for crop top high waisted jeans makeup hair down       Image result for teenager crop top high waisted jeans inspos

Wardrobe: While off camera she has her hair in a bun, baggier clothes and no makeup. She has a jacket she always wears to easily hide anything she takes. This shows her virtual life versus her reality.
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Likes: She uses her paintings and drawings as a self expression. She likes to make and edit her YouTube videos. She likes to have her headphones in to listen to music. She likes animals especially dogs. She does like stealing for the thrill of it and the money.

Dislikes: She doesn't eat often. She will not follow her parents footsteps in drinking and what not but she does steal. 

Side characters: We want Amber's friends to be less generic to show teenagers in reality. One friend can be talking about the news when Amber gets to the group. While another can talk about his new job. Another can be studying for an exam.Instead of what teenage movies usually talk about: parties, gossip, and romantic relationships.

Amber’s Dad:
The character will be shown only when Amber is ready to leave for school. The dad will be "passed out" on the couch with a bottle of alcohol next to him to indicate he was drunk last night. Have his costume design be run down and messy hair. 

Friend 1:
Female who is closest to Amber and is the one she will talk to the most about.  Very supportive of  Amber and gives her undivided attention when she is talking. It is obvious the two are close because when they greet each other their voices will get higher and their facial expressions will be exaggerated. The two can have a side conversation from everyone else to show.

Friend 2:

Person likes to wear lighter clothing and is new to the friend group. This person is studying for a test and throws in  little complaints about how hard the topic is. This person doesn't give much eye contact and is wearing baggier clothes. Seems nervous about the test with fidgeting and making confused faces.

-Exists for dialogue

Friend 3:
We are still developing this character. They will most likely be there with little dialogue to further introduced the plot.

- Probably media classmates.

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