Sunday, February 17, 2019

Make Your Artist Go Big !

Hello movie lovers, 

 I will be talking about a recent project my team and I produced. This was a Music Marketing Campaign for an European indie rock band we created called Eight Hours. We conducted research, made meticulous choices and marketing strategies.

Summary of my project 

This objective was to create an outline of how my team would promote an upcoming band. This project started with a storyboard for the music video. My team did two case studies on already existing Indie Rock bands/artists as inspiration to help our campaign ideas. Then we broke down our plans starting with what the social media will have on it at certain times. We focused a lot on social media (Instagram, Twitter, YouTube) and made the website user friendly. Then we did the merchandise and the time line for which and how much merchandise would be released. First we researched Frankie Cosmos and saw how she was authentic with her fans. Then we looked into Arctic Monkeys who are much more dark and their music is more rock. We saw how both bands used their websites to provide easy access to:

1. Social Media- Mainly Instagram and Twitter but there was also Facebook and Tumbler. 

2. Merchandise- There were clothing items but also creative items such as water bottles and bags. 

3. Music- There was easy access to the artist profile on streaming apps including Pandora, Spotify and Apple Music. 

4. Concert/ Tour Dates- There were calender's for tour dates and fans could go to the purchase area to buy the tickets directly. 

Research and Choices
First my group saw how bright and aesthetic Frankie Cosmos was with her whole style. Cosmos did has a quirky clothing style that she wears in her music videos and in her everyday life. On her social media she had unfiltered pictures and had captions that usually interacted with the fans and updated them on her life. Her website had easy access to merchandise was bright and cute. Her merchandise was similar to her quirky personality. Arctic Monkeys was much darker and focused more social media. Their social media was an easy gateway from their website. The entire aesthetic for the band is black including the music video. There was section called "news " that updated the fans on information. The streaming apps for the music and music videos were easy to find. Also, the tour dates were easy to find so fans could automatically purchase tickets. 
My group took inspiration from Frankie Cosmos by interacting with our audience through social media. We kept a dark tone like Arctic Monkeys throughout the website and merchandise. We did this on most of our social media as well. Indie Rock tends to have an aesthetic  theme with the pictures posted. Our Target Audience was teenagers and young adults so our topic for out music was relevant to them: how society treats open gay men. My team and I decided our marketing techniques mainly on what established bands/ artists have done. 
Marketing Strategies 
The main characteristics we focused on were: 
1. Interviews
2. Opening for bigger artists
3. Social Media Engagement 
4. Live Shows 
For the merchandise my group made a specific timeline for the amount and type of merchandise that would  be released. Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube are the main contributors to the band’s social media debut. Social media is a method for the band to introduce themselves, gain exposure, make announcements, and remain in touch with audiences, which is critical. This is mainly because of the digital age we are living in.
Next the social media was planned based on how popular we would get over the first months then years. 
Months 1-3: Personal posts, references to personal work, introduction to band members
(Posts on songwriting, instruments, personal details, etc.)

Months 4-12: With the release of first songs and music videos, begin announcing special dates, and releases with posts
(Posts on sneak peaks of new video, label announcements, hints at new music to come, posts on local concerts, bar gigs, etc)

Year 1-2: Begin posting on tour and event specials the band is participating in, continue posting on new songs and things being worked on similar to “Months 4-12”
(Posts on tour dates, Q & A, radio interviews/plays, live events, etc.)

Advanced Projections: Following the digital age and marketing trends, if the band is popular, holding back on posts can create anticipation for new announcements, but be mindful of “get it now culture”

The website would have all of our music and clothing products for fans to easily purchase along with concert dates and tickets that can be directly sold. 


YouTube- This will have the logo, repetitive name "EightHoursofficial" and all the music videos. 

Instagram- The social media will be interactive, have the logo, updating with new content and have the "eighthoursofficial" so fans can use the same name on the platforms. The bio gives a brief description for potential fans and for current fans they can easily know what is happening with the band. 

Twitter- The bio will have information on who the band is and what they are working on. The name will be similar and the website will be easy to find just like the Instagram. The posts will be interactive and continuously updating fans what the band is doing. 

Website-  The website will be dark and aesthetic to follow the marketing trend. The merchandise, social media and music will be easy to access. Viewers can scroll down or can go to the tabs for more information. All products/ music can be purchased directly from the website. The music video will also  be easily found. 

Merchandise- Of course with the logo to promote the band and income comes in from fans. 

I plan to use these techniques by enforcing social media to promote the film. I know that the creative and producing of the music video or film is very meticulous. Every choice matters and should go reflect your purpose. It is also good to follow a theme so your brand is more recognizable to fans such as the cover picture. Also the name on all the platforms you will have. Overall I truly enjoyed this project because of the amount of creativity I was able to put in. The project was a big help me see how I to produce, market and distribute a new band to the public.  

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